Bloomberg: U.S. Department of Justice says FTX lost $400 million in SIM swapping attack

FTX IN JUSTICE lost 2024-02-02 63
Robert Powell, Emily Hernandez, and Carter Rohn have been charged with planning a SIM card exchange attack fraud, in which they stole more than 400 million US dollars when FTX went bankrupt. According to the indictment submitted by the Department of Justice in the Washington Federal Court, Robert Powell, Emily Hernandez, and Carter Rohn collected personal data of about 50 victims and used this information to convince mobile service providers to transfer the victims' phone numbers to their fake phones. This allowed the three to intercept text messages - including multi-factor authentication codes - which allowed them to access the victims' financial accounts and encrypted wallets. The indictment did not mention FTX, but two people familiar with the case confirmed that "Victim Company-1" in the court documents is actually FTX.