Tether CEO: Tether does not choose the blockchain network and supports many different blockchains
BLOCKCHAIN 2024-01-30 50
BLOCKCHAIN 2024-01-30 50
On January 30th, according to the latest complaint filed by the SEC, it is alleged that the Ponzi scheme HyperFund hired...
A 2024-01-30 59
Aragon X announced the appointment of former Chief Growth Officer and Business Development Officer Anthony Leutenegger a...
AS 2024-01-27 95
According to a report from an unnamed industry insider cited by Korean Daily Economic News, Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, w...
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Algorand Foundation announced on X that its CEO Staci Warden’s X account was compromised and asked its community to refr...
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A 2024-01-18 78
The future of artificial intelligence (AI) could depend on an ambitious, yet uncertain form of energy that doesn’t quite...
AI 2024-01-18 90
AS 2024-01-17 52